Customer Success Stories

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Case Study - Decorative Image
Initial Username: @bionanogenomics
Ideal Username: @bionano
Problem: @bionano taken by an inactive profile
Action: @bionanogenomics username updated to @bionano, while all posts, followers, content remains intact
Benefit: Clear, concise and consistent digital identity matching domain ‘’
Client Logo - StudioThree
Initial Username: @studiothreechi
Ideal Username: @studiothree
Problem: @studiothree taken by an inactive profile
Action: @studiothreechiusername updated to @studiothree, while all posts, followers, content remains intact
Benefit: Clear, concise and consistent digital identity matching domain ‘’
Case Study - Decorative Image
Case Study - Decorative Image
Initial Username: @rockstaroriginalUSA
Ideal Username: @rockstaroriginal
Problem: @rockstaroriginal taken by an inactive profile
Action: @rockstaroriginalUSA username updated to @rockstaroriginal, while all posts, followers, content remains intact
Benefit: Clear, concise and consistent digital identity matching domain ‘’
Initial Username: @identitystrong
Ideal Username: @idstrong
Problem: @idstrong taken by an inactive profile
Action: @identitystrong username updated to @idstrong, while all posts, followers, content remains intact
Benefit: Clear, concise and consistent digital identity matching domain ‘’
Case Study - Decorative Image
Case Study - Decorative Image
Initial Username: @wearethedoe
Ideal Username: @thedoe
Problem: @thedoe taken by an inactive profile
Action: @wearethedoe username updated to @thedoe, while all posts, followers, content remains intact
Benefit: Clear, concise and consistent digital identity matching domain ‘’
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